Welcome to the GAA Themed Group Project. You will begin officially working on this project as of now, and will wrap it up at the end of Semester 2.

The goal of this exercise is to provide you with the necessary skills to work in a professional creative environment, using the tools you’ve covered in your various courses. You will apply the knowledge learned, as well as implement additional soft-skills such as project management, communication and delegation in order to sucessfully complete it.

The breakdown of the teams will be done in-person. You will be first appointed to a team, randomly generated by a Boolean algorithm. Once the teams have been created, the team members will be randomly be provided with a  theme. The aim is to work together on all the aspects of this project and complete it by the deadline set by your instructors.

Note: The themes below are based on the Worldbuilding Fellowship from Epic Games.



Each team will randomly be assigned a theme based on the different criteria below. Each criteria will be set by a roll of dice (real or virtual).

You will need a 1d4, 1d6 and 1d12 set of dice.

Rolling criteria: You will first roll a 1d4 per criteria. If a 1 or a 2 are rolled, the number rolled for the criteria is set and cannot be modified. If a 3 or 4 are rolled, each criteria can be rolled twice, and the team members can vote and decide on which of the two options to chose.

Once the criteria is selected, this becomes your official theme to work on and develop.

Project Requirements: The final project must meet the following requirements. Missing any one of them will impact the final mark given:

  1. The final project will be created in the Unreal game engine
  2. The environment (exterior/interior) must be walkable/playable i.e. a game character must be able to navigate within it from a first or third-person perspective
  3. Houdini procedural assets must be included. These can be part of the terrain and/or world decoration props (i.e. structures, rocks, plants, debris, etc.)
  4. The final project must textured and lit to match the theme criteria. Post-processing effects are allowed and encouraged.
  5. Visual effects must be included to match the criteria requirements
  6. Basic interactive elements should be present i.e. open doors, switches, turn on/off screens, etc. Your choice of amount and interactive complexity
  7. It should be aesthetically and visually pleasing. That goes without saying.



Location – Exterior = Roll 1d6 Location – Interior = Roll 1d6
1 = Exterior Home / Urban Dwelling / School 1 = Interior Kitchen / Eating Space
2 = Exterior Rural, Farmlands, Woodlands or Vista 2 = Interior Sleeping Space
3 = Exterior Recreational or Sports Space 3 = Interior Common Living Space
4 = Exterior Starbase or Alien Structure 4 = Interior Bathing Space
5 = Exterior Outpost or Cabin 5 = Interior Crew Quarters, Office or Lab Space
6 = Exterior Temple 6 =Interior Auditorium Public / Auditorium Space



Architectural Style Influencer =  Roll 1d12
1 = Primitive
2 = Classic
3 = Romanesque
4 = Gothic
5 = Baroque
6 = Neo Classical
7 = Beaux Arts
8 = Art Nouveau or Art Deco
9 = Bauhaus
10 = Modern
11 = Post Modern
12 = Futuristic / Alien
Era Influencer = Roll 1d6
1 = Prehistoric
2 = Classical
3 = Middle Ages / Fantasy
4 = Early Modern / Englightenment
5 = Modern Era
6 = Far Future
Deterioriation Level = Roll 1d6
1 = Decayed
2 = Abandoned
3 = Apocolyptic
4 = Lived in
5= Tidy
6 = Still in the wrapper / Immaculate
Construction Materials = Roll 1d6 
1 = Dead Organics (Milled Wood, Bone, etc)
2 = Metal or Machined
3 = Glass / Gem / Ice
4 = Living Organics (Plants, etc)
5 = Rock / Concrete / Clay
6 = Non Uniform / Energy / Water

Visual Style:

Art Style Influencer =  Roll 1d12
1 = Ancient
2 = Renaissance
3 = Realism / Hyper Realism
4 = Pop Art
5 = Ukiyo-e
6 = Impressionism
7 = Cubism
8 = Surrealism
9 = Anti-Art
10 = Folk Art
11 = Contemporary / Post Modern
12 = Independent Choice
Color Palette =  Roll 1d6
1 = Black and White
2 = Stained / Sepia Tones
3 = Duo Toned
4 = Tri Toned
5 = Photographic
6 = Hyper saturated

Environmental Conditions:

Exterior Weather Influencer = Roll 1d12
1 = Fog
2 = Light Rain
3 = Light Snow / Sleet / Hail
4 = Heat Wave
5 = Windy
6 = Tornado / Hurricane
7 = Flooding
8 = Blizzard
9 = Thunderstorm
10 = Aurora
11 = Ash Rain / Fire / Volcanic
12 = Independent Choice
Time of Day = Roll 1d6
1 = Dawn
2 = High Noon
3.= Golden Hour Late Afternoon
4 = Twilight
5 = Night
6 = Fellow’s Choice
Climate Type = Roll 1d6
1 = Tropical Jungle
2 = Arid / High Desert
3 = Temperate
4 = Water world
5 = Polar / Artic
6 = Extra Terrestrial / Space


Absurdities =  Roll 1d12
1 = Post / Apocolyptic
2 = Celestial Events
3 = Swarms / Infestations / Plagues
4 = Electro Magnetic
5 = Gravity Distruption
6 = Dinosaurs / Large Creatures
7 = Mythical Beings
8 = Aliens
9 = Zoo / Animalia
10 = Simulations or Steampunk
11 = Cartoon
12 = Military